Setup SQLite Database for Adobe Air in Flex and Actionscript

Setup SQLite Database for Adobe Air in Flex and Actionscript

Sorry about the dog bark and taking so long. I had to skip into the video a min so that it would fit. Here is the link to all the code:
Nice! RT @mikeptweet: @PageKite is da bomb! Got my local #RaspberryPI running a public #nodejs server with a #sqlite db. 200 request/second!

As I understand #shiny from @rstudioapp, one could use shiny and Rsqlite to interact with an sqlite DB, no? any examples?

Moving to SQLite from a textfile with python [reddit]

@m_elensule да нет. pgSQL я привёл в качестве примера. а там может быть всё что угодно,oracle,MSSQL,sqLite.

@PageKite is da bomb! Got my local #RaspberryPI running a public #nodejs server with a #sqlite database. 200 request per second!

rss購読したいけど、google readerとは独立させたいから、SQLiteの練習がてら自分で作るかなぁ #試験中

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