Dash Cam: Canton PD "Notification" Arrest & Officer Goes Berserk / Threatens

Dash Cam: Canton PD "Notification" Arrest & Officer Goes Berserk / Threatens

(C) 2011 Ohioans For Concealed Carry - On June 8, 2011 the following unfortunate arrest took place in Canton, OH. Notifying the policy when you have a firearm is required by Ohio Law, but when this individual with a thirty-day old license tries to do that he is repeatedly ordered to look away, shut up, or interrupted and "forced" to change what he is speaking about by the actions of an aggressive cop who maintains verbal control of the situation. A two man car dealing with three people put itself at risk when one officer started what appears to be an illegal search of the rear of the car without extracting or securing the driver - which would have given him an opportunity to notify. What follows is horrific example of a police officer losing all self-control, threatening to beat the female, threatening to beat the driver and eventually saying he should have executed him "and wouldn't have lost any sleep over it" that night. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION - RE-USE PROHIBITED: This video is heavily modified with annotations and is Copyright Ohioans For Concealed Carry as a deriviative work under US Code - you may embed, favorite, share, etc - but you may NOT re-use this video or re-upload it to YouTube channels as your own. Contrary to common belief we are NOT asking for you to "help us" by re-uploading our narrative product to your YouTube channel before you show it to your friends or post it on a website. Embed our version so that we may add annotations as the case, litigation ...
Se realizó con éxito la entrega de líneas telefónicas de CNT con tecnología CDMA 450 en Sabanetillas, del cantón Echeandía ☺ prov. d Bolívar

@jjevans11 you in canton tomorrow and what time?

Salón Cantón

@Redbirdpuck77 prolly better then Canton south! lolol

@LinetPuente 17de nov SIDA Y LUEGO QUE ¡ÚNICA FUNCIÓN! 10 am!! Teatro Wilberto Cantón. Boletos al 5531418859. Tenemos desc. del #buenfin

5 days till Canton

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