Taikou Risshiden IV 太閤立志伝IV - Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉gameplay

Taikou Risshiden IV 太閤立志伝IV - Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉gameplay

Taikou Risshiden is the Free roaming rpgs series of the Nobunaga's Ambition games. Romance of the three Kingdoms VII,VIII, & X are all streamlined watered down versions of these games. I'm actually playing as Hideyoshi back when he was known as Kinoshita. In this vid, I quit working for Nobunaga, and I get married to NeNe after I unsuccessfully tried to save her. After that I move her home to the other side of the country as I waste my time gambling, and unsuccessfully try to rob people.
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