Classic Game Room - THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII review

Classic Game Room - THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII review

The King of Fighters 13 review. Classic Game Room reviews THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII for Xbox 360 (also for Playstation 3 PS3) from SNK Playmore and Atlus. CGR The King of Fighters XIII video review features The King of Fighters 13 gameplay in HD from the Xbox 360 video game console. There's 30+ playable characters including numerous SNK fan favorites like Mai, Andy and Robert. Play through the arcade mode, storyline more, challenges mode or enjoy some online multiplayer gameplay or a local on the couch 2-player fighting fest. Visuals are stylish and run smoothly but retain the classic 2D charm from the Neo-Geo (although they aren't as chunky as they used to be). Music and sounds are excellent and SNK Playmore and Atlus should be applauded for releasing such a fun and playable entry in The King of Fighters series.
@EllieAshleigh haha the writing is more of a rant, as for piano its not that sophisticated playing "good king Wenceslas" in the spare room!

@WifeofLoki *From the corner of the room* I'm surprised your Loki doesn't give you massages.

Our hotel messed up our rooming, so tonight I will be sleeping in the "King Luxury Suite" instead of a reg. room. DOPE. #Amazed #Lucky

@TeamWHIPSBOOTY words can't describe the amount of hater-ness you possess. It's hot outside & my dick need some breathing room o_O

@BuckingBucky @thor_odinson_of @loki_king_of *closes eyes and walks out of room, blindly, running into the walls* owww

I hear a lot of people nn my living room but idnt feel like getting up

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