イノセントワールド Mr.Children

イノセントワールド Mr.Children

#IDFBumperStickers I Kill innocent women, children and men.Take Palestinian land and call it self defense&the world believes it #FreeGaza

@JohnnyUtah100 I'm watching Leon. First time. The world was clearly a much more innocent place back then! Also, he fucking loves milk.

@idfspokesperson Stay out of Gaza!! Or the world will hate Israël again if you kill innocent people! #killers #israel

Who gives them the right to take life! Here in this unjust world maybe innocent won't get justice but hereafter who is gonna save you #Gaza

相互フォローよろしくお願いします!!! #sougofollow #followme #followmejp

I dont understand all the war going on in the world. I wish innocent people everywhere safety and happiness seriously #gaga

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