紫電改製造工場The summary of the quail field airport

紫電改製造工場The summary of the quail field airport

すべての飛行機はプロペラが外され滑走路に並べて米軍の指示をまつた10月23日、アメリカ軍が進駐してきた。石本*安井特務大尉に対応が引き継がれ米軍の管理となり3ケ月放置された紫電は日の丸が星のマークに書き換えられ米戦闘機グラマン10機監視のもと迎撃戦闘に向かう様にとびあがつた。これこそ鶉野飛行場より離陸した最後の飛行機だつた。 残されたものは皆焼処分となり飛行場の歴史は終わつた。 I became the Himeji navy air base afterward, and work of the maintenance expansion of the base was pushed forward for mainland decisive battle. Tsukuba navy flying corps, fighter glaring eyes 50 several of 403 battle squadrons were stationed in the Himeji base. The squadron did joining the army until the end of the war. Flying corps to organize in the training plane that was called a red dragonfly when July began were stationed. It is the third Okazaki flying corps Himeji military contingent. Training was performed day and night in the enforcement corps of the divine wind special attack unit which I put on 250kg bomb for the mainland approach of the US carrier, and carried out a bodily crash.
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