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Floppy music DUO - Imperial march

Floppy music DUO - Imperial march

Here's what polish AGH University of Science and Technology do in their free time. My another useless device - Imperial March played by two floppy disk drives. Homepage: silent.org.pl Post in English: silent.org.pl Po polsku: silent.org.pl Read the note about the next video: silent.org.pl
@MartiniMuaz kah kah. Tidak mengapa. Nak join ? Jomlah. Training ni tak sexist. Duo-gender ;)

RT @SwagingJBieber: Ludacris and Justin are truly the dynamic duo. They make the most amazing songs together.

RT @SwagingJBieber: Ludacris and Justin are truly the dynamic duo. They make the most amazing songs together.

@Milton_Edwards @Duo_Resto_Bar La tenemos que repetir muchas veces.Abrazo.

RT @LuisEnrique: @Chochy_g Esa cancion la compuse con mi hermano Andres Acosta "Gusi"del duo de ballenato @GusiBeto. Busca tambien el duo que tengo con ellos

@SoapboxMel oooh comedy duo #isthegrumpawake

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