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Summer Snow (夏之雪)

Summer Snow (夏之雪)

Summer Snow - Sissel it's summer snow in the deep blue sea i try to touch, but it fades away it must be a dream i will never get just like my love that's crying for you if there were something not to change forever we could feel it deep, deep in our heart today is over with a million tears still everyone has a wish to live oh, i do believe ever lasting love and destiny to meet you again i feel a pain i can hardly stand all i can do is loving you it's summer snow in the deep blue sea i try to touch, but it fades away it must be a dream i will never get just like my love that's crying for you just like my love that's crying for you
#ColeWorld in the summer brings snow flurries

何やろ何やろ、この伝わった感じ(゜Д゜ ≡ ゜д゜) タイミングが重なっただけにしても、こーゆー偶然ってそう何回もあるものなんかな。

@COUGHCOUGHlin ew. snow is not good right now. its summer. HEHEHE!

RT @DaRealESG: Best movies of the month Mel Gibson How I spent My Summer Vacation & Curtis Snow "Snow in The Bluff"

I remember when it was snowing during a theatre competition and I ran outside in a summer dress and had a snow fight.. Bad idea..

ii need you likeee the heat need the summer ooh boy ii want you, baby ii need you likeee the snow need the winter oohh baby you the winter.

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