Roland XP-50 Demo.wmv

Roland XP-50 Demo.wmv

This is Destiny 2K which was written entirely on the XP-50 sequencer and Zoom sampletrack about 10 to 12 years ago.. The XP-50 is the JV-1080 with a sequencer and keboard thrown in. Hope you enjoy the tune. Please rate and comment. Its my 1st ever youtube video.
新しい楽器で浮き足立ってる人がいる一方買って3ヶ月の中古XP-50の自爆回路発動して涙目でデジマート見てる俺は… RT @freshhimawari : 新しいキーボード買ったったwwwwwwwwwwww(マリリンさん)

Sir, are u playing a XP-50 at this wedding?!? With a horn patch?! With alexander oneal jr on vocals. -__-

XP-50がまさかの故障…いやどうもXP-50そのものがこの爆弾抱えてたらしいんだけど…どーしよ [Nous voir! sm17490585]

opa fera blz ? bem, estou com 45% (major 1) para upar para major 2 no pb,vc acha se eu comprar item de xp 50% upo em 2 dias ? - @HeadshotRJ

@MaulanaMuharam ohh,haha woke dah eb :D.ohh,udah buka XP 50 eb? Gak nungguin -_-.ehh kok FD gue gak ke read yah di PC gue stlh copy RF9

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