本田翼ちゃんが出演する、ノンノ1月号の「冬の本命コート着倒し大作戦!」特集の撮影に密着! 翼ちゃんの着たいコートの話や、お気に入りのファッション小物の話を聞いちゃいました。今すぐ動画で内容をチェックしてね♪
Part 3 - Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Chs 19-28)
Part 3. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Karen Savage. Playlist for Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery: www.youtube.com Anne of Green Gables free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Anne of Green Gables free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Anne of Green Gables at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com
水温1度、みそぎの祈り 「大寒」の朝、山口・防府
■アサヒ・コム動画 www.asahi.com 気温4度、水温は1度......。「大寒」の21日早朝、山口県防府市の春日神社(佐伯博祥宮司)で冷水に入って身を清める「大寒みそぎ」があった。5~76歳の男女105人が、みそぎ所の水に交代でつかり、約1分間手を合わせて無病息災を祈った。 ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。
"The Good Ones Are Always Taken" by Philip Zeplin - Original Song
Big thanks to Mitch Meade for the Japanese translation of the lyrics! Big thanks to Yuki and Michael for being willing to appear in it! (And Yuki's actual boyfriend, for letting her) The song can be downloaded here: mentalmirage.com This is quite an honest song for me, and I feel I'm putting a lot of private feelings out there for all to see and judge, so I hope people appreciate that. It says a lot about me, and a lot about the people that I care about, and of course, about love. Whether these are feelings that everyone has, or are just in my fucked up mind, I have no idea. But I decided to, and felt like, writing a song about those feelings, about those relationships, and in the end, I decided to share that song with you all. It's been long in the making, had changes left and right, but well, here it is. The lyrics: The time, we were together, the time that I want back The time that went way to fast, and the time, where we got a little off track You go headstrong, into life, even though you know your chances, are at best alright But I couldn't help but hope, that maybe this time, everything would change and you'd end up mine Beautiful girl, come and hold me tonight, whisper in my ear, everything will be alright Cuz I'm not feeling well, I'm a little messed up, but it's alright, the good ones are always taken, and that's how it goes My chances were slim, I knew that going in, already taken, already with him But I finally found you, had to take the chance, lost out in the ...