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Messerschmitt Me 163B-1a Komet

Messerschmitt Me 163B-1a Komet

Music: Public Domain, Johannes Brahms - Op.45 Ein Deutsches Requiem Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras, performed by Holden Consort Orchestra & Choir. Sourced from en.wikipedia.org track location upload.wikimedia.org The world's only operational rocket powered interceptor, the unique Me 163 was the fastest aircraft of the war. An interesting aspect of the Komet was that its wheels dropped off after takeoff, upon landing the aircraft would glide into landing on a retractable skid. Because of the two volatile fuels that powered the rocket motor, all aspects of Komet operations were highly dangerous. The first Komets entered service in 1944, this one included. Their high speed was a hindrance in actual combat, and they became vulnerable to prowling Allied fighters when gliding into land. Captured at Husum, Schleswig Holstein at the end of the war, this Komet went to the College of Aeronautics at Cranfield in 1947. After many years attending air displays and open days at various venues around the country it was refurbished and loaned to the Royal Scottish Museum in 1976. In 2007 it was donated to the museum by Cranfield University. Copyright © 2009 Malcolm Auld This video and audio material may not be reproduced in any form (except as an embedded video on any other website), without written permission.
@Geets_163 what you buy me 8-) your really pretty btw :')

@SaidVentura me das follow! si guapo?

@Miguel__Avalos some guy from a local store in 163 found it, held it for me and delivered it with my neighbor

RT @LilBadAssMe: @geets_163 awwwh mi lil baby! Me tooo!! Ima miss your halarious self... And of course i wont forget u either <3 xx

@geets_163 awwwh mi lil baby! Me tooo!! Ima miss your halarious self... And of course i wont forget u either <3 xx

I love catching up with old friends. Makes me feel all bubbly inside. :D

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