Speed Painting Kurt Cobain/ smells like teen spirit symphonic cover by williams shamir
Speed painting and exclusive materiasl - visit my new website at www.williams-shamir.com to see works in progress and get inside information and thoughts on my paintings and other things hi everyone this is actually my second attempt at painting digitaly ... my first painting video was of a portrait of an imaginary woman and it got removed for copyright issues ( i have used the song "give in to me" by Michael Jackson and Slash as background music ) anyway this is a painting of one of my favorite musicians of all time - Kurt Cobain RIP other than his brilliant passionate and energetic music i appreciate Kurt Cobain for his honesty of course i didn't know the guy personaly and he does have some negative sides like using drugs and all but from everything iv'e seen about him and read about him he portraits a very honest and humble person and these are some of the qualities i value the most RIP Kurt

阪井あゆみ - KONAYUKI
"ここにいるよ feat.青山テルマ"で大ブレイクを果たしたSoulJaが作詞・作曲したナンバー。CanCam専属モデル"舞川あいく"プロデュースの「つけまつげ」D-UP EYELASHES deux(デュー)シリーズのイメージソング! ▼CDを購入するshop.emimusic.jp ▼iTunesストアはこちらitunes.apple.com

Nobukazu Takemura - Bright Time To Come
Nobukazu Takemura - Bright Time To Come(3:28) From The Album : "child and magic(子供と魔法)" (1997) Music & Arranged :Nobukazu Takemura link: www.discogs.com

The Dirty Dozen Brass Band - John The Revelator
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2008 DVD - rutracker.org - John The Revelator The Dirty Dozen Brass Band: Roger Lewis - baryton saxophone Elfrem Towns - trumpet, flugelhorn, vocal Kevin Harris - tenor saxophone, vocal Julius McKee - sousaphone Terence Higgins - drums, vocal Steven Walker - trombone Jake Eckart - guitar, vocal 39. Internationale Jazzwoche Burghausen 2008, Germany

国分友里恵 慕いまつる主なるイエスよ <聖歌 557>
天使の叫びを聞いてください素晴らしいですよねアルバム「君もそこにいたのか」よりピアノ 岩本正樹マイ オーディオ 使用しているのは・・ ◎真空管アンプ Mactone XM-1 6550よりTK88へ変更音も(改) 電源ケーブル ACROLINK 6N-PC61006N-PC6100 ◎CDプレーヤー Cayin CDP-8HT 真空管出力電源ケーブル ACROLINK 6N-PC61006N-PC6100 ◎スピーカー KENWOOD LS-X900 4ウエイスピーカーケーブル ACROLINK6N-S1400II ◎ラインケーブル ACROLINK 6N-A2030II Pro