fam "what I can do" PV

fam "what I can do" PV

【msuic video】 fam "what I can do" PV(from changes here)
it's a real party at the kogers tonight. just thought it would be a nice dinner with the fam but no!

@Huds23 all your fam is up there, hell there the ones puttin it on right? Surprised you ain't playing softball up there as we speak lol

@TheEllenShow i sent you a letter but i dont think you got it...please follow me, I want to talk to u about something. I 'm a big fam of JB

@rjalbright4 it's all good bro. Fam first


@AJamesG11 @datnigga_chinky Good looks FAM had to see the Real Boss in action!

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