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What is Web 2.0?

What is Web 2.0?

It's one of the biggest buzzwords out there, but what exactly does it mean? Andy Gutmans of Zend defines Web 2.0 and explains how it's changing the face of the Internet. Host: Andy Gutmans, Co-founder and VP, Zend Length: 00:03:02
RT @pearlher: 所谓的 “微动力”, 我认为就是 web2.0时代的“去中心化”,“无组织”; “微风险” 讲的是抗争伦理,抗争手段也要正当,不为达成目的,牺牲单个个体利益或者不择手段;社会活动诉求明确的 “微议题”;参与者“普通人” 的“微成本”,每人找到合适自己行动的方式。

An diesem Doodle fehlt der Sack! Zurück an Absender. #web2.0

@07Marianne oui... heureusement q le web2.0 permet aujourd'hui aux lecteurs de réagir qd certains "journalistes" pondent ce genre d'articles

Linked-in is at the high end of the Social Media spectrum-opposite of Myspace #Web2.0

Web2.0のことを理解しきれない… ここが肝なのに…

il cristianesimo ha esaltato l'individualismo dell'uomo ma l'uomo è sciamante aggregativo multitudinario... Lato che il web2.0 mostra bene

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