Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
Albert Renshaw, 2011 (albertiphonedeveloper@yahoo.com) www.whitehouse.govObama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof
The Hottest @Abercrombie & Fitch Guys, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen
In October of 2011, Abercrombie & Fitch discovered Carly Rae's 'Call Me Maybe' and launched the song on its official soundtrack. To celebrate the song's Summer popularity, A&F asked its hottest guys from its Flagship stores all around the world to have fun with the song—film it on their phones and to do whatever came naturally... This is what the guys sent back! Fans can purchase the hit single at the link below! itunes.apple.com
平成24年5月12日 沖縄祖国復帰40周年・その4
5/12沖縄県祖国復帰40周年記念大会www.nipponkaigi.org ●来賓挨拶 元最高裁判所長官・日本会議会長 三好 達 氏5月12日(平成24年)に、沖縄県の宜野湾市民会館で行われた「沖縄県祖国復帰40周年記念大会」の各登壇者などの映像です。 (主催:沖縄県祖国復帰40周年記念大会実行委員会)