サマーウォーズBGMをピアノメドレーにしてみた Summer Wars Piano Medley
映画「サマーウォーズ」のBGMをピアノメドレーで弾いてみた。作業用BGMにどうぞ。 実は、ようつべの仕様上15分までしか投稿できないため、結構省いています。(完全版は22分) 本編は、ニコ動にうpしようと思います。 動画制作、編曲、演奏、録音:Abrizar041
Lain opening [Full]
Lyrics by Konaka Riyu Sung by Brad Holmes Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Will turn to whisper in your ear And you know what they say might hurt you And you know that it means so much And you don't even feel a thing I am falling, I am fading I have lost it all And you don't seem the lying kind A shame then I can read your mind And all the things that I read there Candle lit smile that we both share and you know I don't mean to hurt you But you know that it means so much And you don't even feel a thing I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning Help me to breathe I am hurting, I have lost it all I am losing Help me to breathe
棒針編み ~応用編 縄編み~
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