A Bullied Student Finds an Inspiring Hero

A Bullied Student Finds an Inspiring Hero

Jordan's car was ruined by bullies who trashed it with homophobic slurs. Then he met a mechanic named Richard, who rebuilt his car free of charge. Watch their moving story here. Watch everything that happened on Ellen's premiere show, this Monday, September 10th!
Being nice is killing me. My body says so

Aku rasa macam sat ja aku tido. Tup tup dah pagi. Tkdan aeh nk tengok sapa hero dalam mimpi aku tadi -_-"

RT @Press_Select: I found out that one of the COOLEST dudes ever is on twitter. Spooner Mcnick, you’re my hero & I’m glad you have a ...

I guess every super hero needs his theme music #Power

David Corn is my hero... @hardball_chris

Still love the fact that @kerkar10 is on twitter. What a guy. #hero #favoriteplayer

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