Kawabata Yasunari - 川端康成
Kawabata Yasunari - 川端康成Tribute to a great writer, novelist and director at the time, but always be special. In a historical context of the twentieth century. By: 1102 (Thisvideo does not seek to offend, assaulting, abusing or otherwise damaged the dignity or emotional stability of individuals. For this reason also ask you to not be offended or assaulted by this means. Thank you.) Some Rights by Sony Music Entertainment.
「ベルサイユのばら展」が開幕 人気漫画40周年記念
★記事詳細とHD動画はこちら www.asahi.com 池田理代子さんの人気マンガの連載開始40周年を記念する「ベルサイユのばら展」(朝日新聞社主催)が9月13日、東京・松屋銀座で始まった。 ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。
Dr.John "Iko Iko" Jeff Healey, David Sanborn, Marcus Miller, Night Music 1988-1990
Dr.John "Iko Iko" Jeff Healey 3:44 The Super Session "Night Music" TV show 1988-1990 Omar Hakim Hiram Bullock David Sanborn Marcus Miller
【computer music midi】メルカトル(MELUCUTORU)
This music title is メルカトル(melucutoru).It was maked by Ratte(mine) but this illust was draw by Japanese profesinal Novel writer 長野まゆみ(nagano mayumi)draws,so that this photo was scaning my books.This music is like(means is 'symulated 似ている') China music at first parts...etc.