Starship Troopers (trailer)
Starship Troopers is a 1997 American satirical military science fiction film, written by Edward Neumeier (screenplay), directed by Paul Verhoeven, with some names and details taken from Starship Troopers, a novel by Robert A. Heinlein. It was the first of three films released in the Starship...
JS Bach - Chorale-Prelude "O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß " BWV 622
a 2 Clav. et Ped. - Adagio assai from Orgel-Büchlein Ton Koopman, Organ For a transcription for piano see: Orgel-Büchlein-Koopman playlist:
三陸海岸沿いを走る (3 ) 岩手県田野畑村北山崎~岩泉町小本まで
2011年の8月末に9年ぶりに三陸海岸沿いを走行した時の様子です。3月11日の津波災害から半年、あの日の光景を思い出して気分を悪くされる方もいるかもしれませんが日本でも屈指の景勝地である三陸海岸の現状が少しでも伝われば幸いです。以前の活気を取り戻しつつありますが、1日も早く復興して以前のように旅人が行きかう日が来ることを願っています。 It looks like when driving along the coast of Sanriku in nine years to the end of August 2011. Six months since the tsunami disaster of March 11, would appreciate a little look at the current state of the Sanriku coast is one of the most scenic spots in Japan may also feel bad that I remember the scene that day is. There is regaining its vitality earlier are anxious to return to the vibrancy of the reconstruction as soon as possible a day earlier.
キングダムハーツ358/2days 裏技【二段ジャンプ】