Voennoe Delo: Jet Revolution. The first stage in history of military jet aviation (English subs)

Voennoe Delo: Jet Revolution. The first stage in history of military jet aviation (English subs)

History of first stage of jet race born in World War II. UK, USA, USSR and Germany try to build first combat jet fighters. This video feauteres first models of German Luftwaffe Me-262, Me-263 and Heinkel Salamander, together with ally's jets F-80, YAK-15, Gloster Meteor.
"@Heyyy_beautiful: @Iam_DafredCoker Yo why is my picture your Avi **" wanted u to know im inlove wth you and wanted u to mention me aswell

Eso esta bien, tienes acosadores RT @Jstarr23x: alguien me dio Ritui de un tweet que puse hace una semana !****

"@sofiaesper: WOOOOW no.me.lo.esperaba ******" hahahh sofia pero nadaaa me cae muy bien tu familia sabes??

RT @Yeahitsmai: @MissMorocco_GDM just called me a pussyclart ** I died **

k. Bye then. You better unfollow me.

don't know what it is.. but the coca-cola advert doesn't get me. #dunnoman

Me 263 の最新情報!

Me 263 最新動画

Me 263 関連情報

↓Me 263 の最新情報↓
Me 263 ニュース
Me 263 ウェブ

