How To Get A Mixi Invite (Even If You Don't Live In Japan)
Get your invite here: For a long time now, Mixi has been blocking access to their social network if you don't live in Japan (or have a Japanese cell phone e-mail address). The other day, though, someone told me a way around it, and I'm sharing it with you here. White Rabbit Press Flashcards Contest Rules: 1. Follow me on Twitter: 2. Write a Tweet about where you would use the flashcards (pictures are good too). Be sure to include the #tofugu hashtag at the end of your tweet so I can search / find your submission 3. Wait for about a week for me to choose one. Learn Japanese (so you can actually use Mixi) - Take a look at my own Japanese learning method, TextFugu - designed specifically for self-teachers of Japanese in mind, you won't find a more wonky, efficient method for learning Japanese. If you want a Mixi invite, you'll have to visit Tofugu to get one. http
セルスターSELLSTAR アシュラ ASSURA VA-360Gの高度計
セルスターSELLSTAR アシュラ ASSURA VA360Gの高度計の様子。 走行中に測位高度が更新されたために、目印の▼が右へと移動して行く様子です。 因みに左の端の方は、広島市中心部の高度なのですが100メートルに近い所にありますねw右の端は自宅です。 へもどうぞ。