OpenITG Pandemonium Boss Super Kids 5 Fail トマトアドベンチャー
OpenITG Pandemonium Boss Super Kids 5 Fail トマトアドベンチャー
[HD]Autumn in Japan 秋の東北・栗駒山周辺の紅葉 紅葉便り
撮影2010年10月10日。標高1627mの山で宮城県、秋田県、岩手県の三県にまたがる栗駒山(くりこまやま)は、東北では紅葉の美しさでは定評があり、全国から紅葉を楽しみに大勢の人々が訪れる。また、周辺には温泉が豊富に湧出し、栗駒国定公園にも指定されている。 Kurikoma Quasi-National Park, situated northwest of Miyagi, offers unique geological attractions like the Sekai Yachi and Katanuma wetlands, Naruko Gorge, Onikoube Plateau and the Katayama Jigoku hell. It is also noted for abundant alpine flora and lush vegetation in its rich marshes. At Mt. kurikoma one is able to view the majestic beauty of Mt. Chokai-san, Mt.Takamatsu, Mt.Arao, and on a clear day one can view the pacific ocean. Mt. Yakeishi, as well as Mt. Kurikoma, offers ample hiking. During a hike along Mt. Yakeishi one will discover vast vegetation and a breathtaking virgin forest. comparatively speaking, after one takes in the beauty of Mt. Kurikoma, one can head to the top and enjoy the Hot Springs of Kurikoma. Altitude 1627 m, Miyagi Prefecture in the mountains of Akita Prefecture, Kurikoma across prefectures of Iwate Prefecture (Toyama Koma Kuri) in the northeast in the beauty of the foliage has a reputation, visit many people look forward to the leaves red from all over . Also nearby is rich in springs spa has been designated as a National Park Kurikoma
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